As human beings, we all have a foraging skill. But we want to find our next meal easier and faster way in this era of high technology. However, we need an app to help us to do it and that will be Rainbow Food.
Rainbow Food is an application that allow UH Manoa students to know what the delicious meals are available across on campus. The application also includes students to view the most popular meals of the day by sorting the rate of likes. Rainbow Food also provides vendors to update and mange their items they have, and they also can describe their food with image.
There should be 3 people in this team, but only one teammate work with me, and the other teammate does not communicate with us after milestone 1. But this is still an awesome group project experience, since I had a lot of practice on how to layout the web-page using Semantic UI React, specifically cards and grids. Overall, I learned how to communicate with my teammate and design this beautiful project.
Here is the website and App:
Rainbow Food website.
Rainbow Food App.